Autonomous Midwifery Services in Southern Utah

Miscarriage story submissions
And podcast interviews


The Project

When I was going through infertility and repeat miscarriage, I wanted a book of stories from others that had been where I was. I wanted the sense of community, even in my mind. I found a few, but most weren't just stories written by many people - they were books on what miscarriage is, or it also included stillbirth, which I felt didn't apply to me. I wanted something solely on miscarriage.

I love the book Simply Give Birth (a book of unassisted birth stories) so much, and dreamed of making one similar.
So I figure, why not do it??

That's where you come in.
I want stories for each week of miscarriage, from 3-20 weeks. Hospital, home, medicated, herbal, natural, wanted, unwanted. I want all of it. I will be adding my stories as well, but in the end I would love to have 3-4 for each week of miscarriage, the raw emotions and details that people don't like to talk about, or they feel people don’t want to hear.
Some people have had missed miscarriages, where the baby died before it was born, sometimes weeks or months. In those cases, I will place it in the time frame I feel it best suits, with your approval.

If your submission is included, you will receive a free copy of the book once it is published.

I would love to also feature some stories on my blog, for the ones that aren't included in the book. I also have a podcast (Close to the Bones) that I would love to feature stories on, you telling your story for others to hear. If you would like any of these options, let me know through email at


Your stories will be edited for spelling errors, but beyond that, it will be in your words. I will send it to you before publishing, which may be years away for the book, but sooner for blog and podcast.

To have your story included and shared, please visit and fill out this form! The easiest way for me to get them would be a document upload, but you can also write your story in the form, I’ve left that up to you. If you don’t want to fill out the form, please email your submission to

Your story will be kept confidential until publishing or recording, no one but myself will see it. This is your story, not mine. I want you to feel safe to share it.


Podcast Interview


If you’re interested in being on my podcast, Close to the Bones, please fill out the following form! I would love to have people on, with stories of their births or losses or a book they read or just to chat! It doesn’t have to just be about birth, it can be about anything under the sun!